Using NASA APRA and internal GSFC funding, PFLs have been fabricated using MEMS techniques at both UMCP and GSFC and have been characterized to have nearly diffraction-limited imaging, ~14 milli-arcseconds in the best case. Initial work was also completed by using a PFL and refractive component to produce an acromat that significantly extended the X-ray bandwidth of the imaging. However, MEMS fabrication is costly and time consuming, which makes prototyping new designs difficult. What is needed is a cost-effective and rapid fabrication technique to fabricate new PFL-based designs with improved performance and then characterize their performance at the GSFC 600-m Interferometry Testbed. The hot embossing technique (a micro-scale "off-set printing" approach) recently developed by Northeaster University offers this possibility. DELIVERABLE IN FY16: At least one Phase Fresnel Lens of design for an appropriate X-ray energy and focal length that can be characterized in the GSFC 600-m Interferometry Testbed.
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