Large area, pulsed, solar simulation of advanced 4, 5 and 6 junction cells will benefit all NASA missions, particularly high power missions such as solar electric propulsion (SEP). Solar simulation of advanced cells will enable current, industry-standard practices on near-future solar cells. Many NASA labs benefit from large area, pulsed, solar simulation for test of solar arrays. All NASA facilities studying, manufacturing or using solar panels could benefit from ssLAPSS technology. Post-Phase II purchases would be ideal candidates for the Phase II-X program. Additional applications include: - Advanced solar cells not currently available, including SBT6J, IMM with greater than 6 junctions and cells with quantum dots - Low intensity, low temperature (LILT) applications - High intensity, high temperature (HIHT) applications - End of Life (EOL) and cell junction current matching studies
All of the potential NASA commercial applications also apply to non-NASA entities, including other government agencies, solar cell manufacturers, aerospace prime contractors and solar panel integrators. Some of these applications include: - Low-cost, smaller area ssLAPSS systems for cubeSats and microSats. - Terrestrial technologies, up to 6 junctions, could greatly benefit from the spectral control and flexibility of ssLAPSS. All benefits listed above could apply to terrestrial cells as well, with the greatest benefit for multijunction cells. - Some past partners in other projects have already expressed interest in investing in a potential Phase II-E for commercialization and scale-up into the market.
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