- 3D Shape Sensing: Antenna deflection, solar array deployment, space station snake robots - 2D Shape/Deflection Sensing: Wing deflection, morphing wings, engine nozzle shape, rocket shape - trajectory corrections - Strain Measurements: Distributed load monitoring, COPV failure prediction, failure precursor detection, composite material embedment, full scale testing, structural dynamics - Temperature Measurements: Cryogenic liquid level (rocket fuel), re-entry ablative material monitoring
- Oil & Gas: Drill/tool shape and head position, well movement, ROV tether, flexible riser shape, Platform movement, Well health monitoring, well equipment integrity, Storage tank liquid level, liquid composition, distributed well temperature - Medical: Catheters, robotic surgery, Mattress deflection, body contour sensing, bone impact deflection Swallow strength - detection, prosthetic limb design and test, sport equipment safety, Inflammation, Heat Therapy, Cancer Treatment - Energy (other): Nuclear facility snake robots, nuclear tube deformation, Wind turbine blade and shaft deflection Wind turbine blade embedment - health monitoring, blade design and testing, Gas turbine temperature distribution
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