State-of-the-art compact laser transmitters for atmospheric and ocean lidar systems. This program will provide laser technology that is commercially unavailable to NASA. Efficient, compact lasers at high TRL will enable the development of highly desired instruments for measurement of atmospheric and ocean scattering at the critical air-sea interface in support of atmospheric modeling and climatology. Transition to space-based sensors supported by Earth Venture class and Decadal Study missions. Early development of airborne demonstration systems is a critical step in technology maturation.
Within the U.S. Navy, the principal end-technology application is for advanced lidar systems requiring blue laser output for underwater detection systems for ocean-type water, where blue wavelengths provide significantly greater penetration. The proposed laser system also produces green output at 532 nm, which is suited to applications in shallower coastal waters (for example, shallow-water mine detection and bottom mapping). The high efficiency and low SWaP of the new laser design makes it a candidate for replacing heavier, less efficient laser transmitters on underwater lidar systems based on UAV platforms.
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