One of the commercialization strategy that will be adopted would involve licensing the technology that will be developed to produce Epoxy/UHMWPE Composites Hybridized with Gadolinium Nanoparticles. Alternatively, spinoff of AmChemteq Inc. will be established with the sole objective of perfecting the production of Epoxy/UHMWPE Composites Hybridized with Gadolinium Nanoparticles for domestic and international market. State of Pennsylvania will match every dollar invested in the spinoff company to encourage the job creation in the state.
The nanoparticles with high neutron adsorptions are not readily available in the market, therefore the proposed research entitled "Epoxy/UHMWPE Composites Hybridized with Gadolinium Nanoparticles for Application in Space Exploration Vehicles" will not only provide means to produce light weight radiation shielding materials but also offer technique to process nanoparticles with high neutron adsorptions in a cost effective manner. The Epoxy/UHMWPE Composites Hybridized with Gadolinium Nanoparticles will not only be very handy during a nuclear but also used by workers who are routinely exposed to nuclear radiations at their work place.
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