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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

High Temperature Fiberoptic Thermal Imaging System

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

High Temperature Fiberoptic Thermal Imaging System
A prototype high temperature, single optical fiber thermal imaging system will be developed, tested, and delivered to GRC. The components of the instrument will be specified in detail, designed, fabricated, and purchased where appropriate. The illumination and imaging system will be assembled and system tests will be performed. Given a set of calibration images produced by the diagnostic, the image analysis needed to recover a thermal image of a surface will be developed and demonstrated. System resolution tests will be performed. The thermal imaging laboratory system will be modified to be appropriate to a prototype commercial instrument. The thermal imaging prototype will be tested and debugged at Thoughtventions and its operating characteristics defined. The thermal imaging system and operating manual will be completed and delivered and field tested at GRC for their ongoing use. More »

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