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Human Research Program

Integrated Radiation Analysis and Design Tools

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Integrated Radiation Analysis and Design Tools
The Integrated Radiation Analysis and Design Tools (IRADT) Project develops and maintains an integrated tool set that collects the current best practices, databases, and state-of-the-art methodologies to evaluate and optimize human systems such as spacecraft, spacesuits, rovers, and habitats. IRADT integrates design models and methodologies in support of evaluation/verification of design limits and design solutions to meet As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) requirements (NASA STD 3001, Vol 2). IRADT provides the radiation community access to physics and transport capabilities and research improvements. The capabilities are developed under strict version control and are independently verified and validated (IV&V) to the extent possible. Current customers include NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate's (ESMD) Directorate Integration Office studies (i.e., LAT, MAT, LSOS), Lunar Surface Systems as well as Constellation's Orion and Vehicle Integration Office, universities, industry, and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR). IRADT is designed for utilization by future commercial customers concerned about transfer of proprietary data and results.

Deliverables and access to the Integrated Radiation Design Tools fill identified gaps documented in the Human Research Program (HRP) Integrated Research Plan (HRP-47065, Rev. A) to support the evaluation of effective shielding options by the engineering community:

· Cancer - 11: What are the most effective shielding approaches to mitigate cancer risks?

· Cancer - 13: What are the most effective approaches to integrate radiation shielding analysis codes with collaborative engineering design environments used by spacecraft and planetary habitat design efforts?

· Acute - 6: What are the most effective shielding approaches to mitigate acute radiation risks, how do we know, and implement?

IRADT will specifically address the limitations associated with simplified geometry description (equivalent aluminum, three-layer transport interpolation, random orientation) and straight ahead transport. The design tools increases fidelity by incorporating common spacecraft and user specified materials in the geometry description with ray-by-ray transport to minimize the uncertainties due to range-scaling of material thicknesses and material ordering. Ray-by ray transport also establishes the basis to calculate the forward/backward neutron generation within vehicle/lunar surface geometries. The back-scattered neutron environment will be calculated from the opposite sides of the vehicle for a crew member’s specific orientation at specific tissue locations. This will increase our ability to evaluate the effectiveness of shielding systems. In supporting the closure of these gaps, the Design Tool Project tools and models will support specification, implementation, verification, and monitoring of Spaceflight Human Systems Standard, Vol. 2 (NASA STD 3001, Vol. 2) radiation design and operational requirements with improved uncertainty quantification.

The integrated tools and models will be supplied to the user community via a website called OLTARIS (On-Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation in Space), which can be accessed at .

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