Responsive spacecraft: Spacecraft will benefit from subsystems which can modify its own survivability based on environmental conditions and mission needs. This can have a high impact on the resilience and survivability of Deep Space missions. A generic controller board can work with nearly any subsystem. Earth based satellite ground stations: Spacecraft controllers will benefit from the intuitive handling of telemetry and the assistance of statistics based predictions. Models will assist controllers in troubleshooting and sometimes preventing problems. Deep space missions: Spacecraft with long duration missions at long distance from Earth require a high degree of autonomy. Autonomous subsystems which are reactive to its local environment will greatly reduce mission risk while optimizing science return. Habitation modules: Dormant habitation modules also require a high degree of autonomy for long periods of time, to ensure proper health in preparation of human occupation.
Commercial spaceport ground stations: All of the product's benefits are equally useful in assisting the commercial space satellite market conduct safer and cheaper operations. Resilient commercial spacecraft: Commercial spacecraft will have greater ability to support multiple missions and dynamic space environments. Manufacturing Sector: Many of the methods in this proposal are finding use in "BigData" complex systems problems. Cleantech: Smart grids, water utilities, smart homes, and any other complex-dynamic consumables driven industries will be able to reduce waste and recover from system-level anomalies. US Space Command: The product is useful to Army Space Support Teams (ARSST) and Joint Space Support Teams (JSST), who have a need to monitor and report the status of spacecraft in use to their supported military command. The scalability of information is especially useful in mitigating differences in the information requirements across services.
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