The practical constraints of using space-qualified electronic components while meeting size, weight, and power (SWaP) requirements prevent realization or approximation of idealized software-defined radio (SDR) concepts such as "hardware independent" or "hardware agnostic" SDR waveform applications. The proposed MF-CRA technologies are expected to bridge this mismatch by providing computationally efficient, automated adaptation for maximizing the probability of achieving and maintaining high-performance communications despite the computational limitation. In particular, the MF-CRA technology is expected to provide three critical applications for future NASA missions involving autonomous communication systems based on software defined radio technology. First, when fully developed and matured, the framework of meta-CE will eliminate the need for manual configuration of a large number of communication parameters or waveform choices available for "adaptation". Second, the RF mapping capability within the meta-CE will significantly increase the robustness and bandwidth needed for high-data-rate communication more reliably. Finally, in collaboration with the "mobility autonomy" provided by BioComm capability proposed for the STTR project, the joint autonomy of both communication parameters configurations and formation flying/driving will achieve much greater and powerful autonomous end-to-end communication capabilities.
Our non-NASA commercialization plan begins by completing our proof of concept prototypes of meta-CE and its components on the commercial-off-the-shelf software defined radios (especially for the military applications). With sufficient system testing conducted for the feasibility and reliability of the prototype systems, we will seek protection of our inventions by filing patents. Then, EpiSci will spinoff a new company dedicated to the development and commercialization of MF-CRA product line with key University of Arizona (UA) members. Dr. Bose, co-PI, agreed to become one of the key stakeholders of this new spinoff, and will work with EpiSci to set up a facility near UA so that the UA team members can continue to develop and mature MF-RCA platforms for various DoD and other federal communities, thus paving the way for a direct transition to federal communications radio market (DoD warfighters, law-enforcement officers, etc). In addition, we anticipate a new market to emerge in the area of Dynamic Spectrum Exchange whereby commercial spectrum holders can buy and sell their spectrum units according to market dynamics: It is inevitable that spectrums will be "trade commodity" in the future in one form or another. Naturally, the commercial potential of MF-CRA-enabled products such as RF sensors is huge. The new spinoff will be well positioned to lead this market by providing low-cost MF-CRA-embedded RF sensors.
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