This hybrid CFD/CAA tool will uniquely fill the technology gap at NASA centers in defining lift-off environments for ongoing and new launch vehicle designs, and for the analysis of noise suppression techniques. The developed tool will provide greater confidence to NASA acoustics engineers offering accurate, quantitative acoustic loading predictions from first principle CFD/CAA simulations for specific launch vehicle configurations. The tool will also be invaluable to payload system and instrument developers, particularly for one-of-a-kind and experimental optics and telescope systems that are susceptible to acoustic effects during liftoff.
The proposed innovation offers significant advantages over aeroacoustic prediction tools currently available in industry. The hybrid RANS/LES and high-order DG modeling will provide a unique combination of robust multi-physics modeling and high-fidelity acoustic propagation physics. The proposed approach will offer a great technology advantage through its improved accuracy for acoustic propagation and its integration within a single massively parallel unified production framework (Loci). The toolset will be invaluable to current and future commercial launch service providers such as United Launch Alliance, ATK, Boeing, Space-X, Orbital Sciences, and payload system and sensitive instrument developers, particularly for one-of-a-kind DoD, NRO, and NOAA satellites. At the end of the SBIR, this technology will be readily available for analysis of micro-jet and active/passive control systems, conventional and STOVL aircraft jet acoustics, airframe and landing noise, and rotorcraft acoustic loading.
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