For NASA, this technology is especially critical to protect the platforms' and crews' safety. For military applications, the enabling technology will increase an aircraft's readiness and allow the cost-saving Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) of aircrafts, ships, ground vehicles and infrastructures to be implemented. In commercial sectors, this nondestructive damage characterization technology will benefit the maintenance decision for air and space vehicles, civil structures and power plants. This new NDE/SHM technology could significantly extend an aircraft's service life, reduce maintenance costs, and protect the safety of critical assets.
The proposed damage characterization technology has many market opportunities. Nondestructive damage characterization for geometrically complex structures posts significant challenge and interest to both military and commercial applications. For military applications, the enabling technology will allow the cost-saving Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) of aircrafts, ships, ground vehicles and infrastructures to be implemented. In commercial applications, this nondestructive damage characterization technology should benefit the maintenance decision for aerospace, civil structures and power plants. The proposed research provides a great means for cost-savings of maintenance as well as improvement of those mechanical systems. Such a NDE technique will benefit the enhancement of the lifetime and durability and the reduction of failure risk of those systems.
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