The proposed innovation directly addresses several key needs identified under the Aviation Safety Topic, particularly with regards to safety assurance under unanticipated conditions. The proposed technology is designed to assure the integrity of information required for safe aircraft operation in the presence of multiple sensor failures. It utilizes information from all available sensors and high-fidelity models of the aircraft system to detect, isolate, and mitigate sensor failures in real time. In addition, it incorporates real-time flight safety management components to evaluate flight safety risks associated with the particular failure scenario, determine an optimal response to ensure a margin of flight safety, and provide pilot cueing to enforce those safety margins.
For potential non-NASA commercialization, Barron Associates will pursue additional development funding from other agencies and DoD to help further advance the technology. Then, once high TRLs are achieved, we will team with industry partners, makers of unmanned air systems, large airframers, and sensor manufacturers to develop integrated software/hardware sensor suites that include the developed virtual sensor tools. This will lay the foundation to pursue marketing avenues of the technology in the aerospace industry, including manufacturers of unmanned aircraft, military aircraft, and both commuter and large commercial transport aircraft. At the same time, we will pursue other industries where application of fault detection, isolation and recovery are critical for ensured safety of operations, such as the nuclear power industry, mass transit control, and medical devices and systems.
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