The design tools developed have wide applicability at NASA. The primary focus of the proposal is related to the design of flexible wing configurations used in HALE class of flight vehicles. However, the technology can have a significant impact on NASA's fixed wing program in guiding design of ultra-high bypass ratio engines and open rotor propeller systems from an aeroelasticity perspective. The smaller blades that are used in the ultra-high bypass ratio engines have very different aeroelastic characteristics and threshold criteria for fatigue and structural failure from traditional engines. The modern open rotor propeller systems are designed as a twin rotor configuration where there is significant interaction between the forward and aft rotors making the blades susceptible to flutter. Lastly, boundary layer flow distortion in BWB configurations can result in large dynamic pressures on fan blades in the embedded engines resulting in the increased risk of flutter.
One of the biggest beneficiaries of this technology would be the wind energy industry. Wind turbine blades are susceptible to aeroelastic effects and the problems are compounded in wind farms and sites close to the ocean where wind gusts are prevalent. The rotorcraft industry directly benefits from this technology as it can be used in the design of rotor blades where retreating blade stall is a big concern. Other commercial applications include gas turbine technology, commercial pump companies and the aerospace industry.
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