The primary application of the new integrated receiver systems will be atmospheric remote sensing throughout the frequency range from 50GHz through 670GHz, and potentially higher with follow-on research. The new receivers will find application on airborne platforms such as CoSSIR, on satellite missions such as JPSS, and in the future CubeSats, which are expected to play an increasingly important role for atmospheric studies. Potentially, these compact receivers can also be used on future planetary probes, particularly to develop a better understanding of planetary atmospheres.
Scientific applications of terahertz technology include radio astronomy, chemical spectroscopy, plasma diagnostics, biomaterial analysis, electron spin resonance of biomolecules, and diagnostics for plasma fusion and particle accelerators. Other terahertz applications related to military requirements include compact range radars, covert communications systems, imaging systems, and chemical, explosive and bioagent scanners. Biomedical researchers envision the use of terahertz imaging and spectroscopy for the real time analysis of skin cancer. Potential commercial applications of the proposed terahertz technology include portal security imagers and scanners, medical diagnostics, last-mile data links, and industrial process control. One market of critical importance is commercial test and measurement. VDI manufactures frequency extension modules for network analyzers, spectrum analyzers and signal generators. This is a rapidly emerging market that is, in fact, driving much of the growth in the terahertz field. As test and measurement capabilities improve, scientists and engineers are able to better characterize and understand their new components and systems. Through this proposed research, VDI will develop the technology needed to realize more compact, reliable and cost efficient test and measurement equipment for the frequency range from 50GHz through 1.1THz.
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