I-SPAREX architecture is directly applicable to all NASA onboard spaceflight operations. This includes LEO, Near-Earth, and especially Deep Space Missions. Any mission that requires remote autonomous operations can utilize this technology. Examples of these types would be rovers, planetary science, and asteroid science.
After this architecture and implementation is demonstrated on a functional spacecraft simulator, it will find a number of military, commercial, and commercial applications. These include: a) Surveillance and intelligence missions, b) UAV operations, c) Autonomous Underwater vehicles, Autonomous land vehicles, and e) remote commercial operations such as oil fields. The Red Canyon Team predicts that our proposed work of integrating the planning environment with the real-time execution software will have far-reaching commercial and R&D applications. For instance, the entire range of remotely operated vehicles, to include: - Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPVs) (a.k.a. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)) - Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROUV) - Remotely Operated Ground Vehicles (ROGV) (a.k.a. Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV)) - Tele-Robotics, in general would benefit greatly from this integrated environment. RPVs in the National Airspace (NAS), as one example, could capitalize on the fault-tolerance, model validation, and the dynamic/evolving shared model concepts that are developed here. Red Canyon Software has already been involved in discussions with ADSYS Controls, a company experienced with the development of RPV flight control systems, to determine the commercial application of our proposed system.
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