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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

High Pressure Oxygen Generation for Future Exploration Missions

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

High Pressure Oxygen Generation for Future Exploration Missions Project Image
The proposed innovation is the development of a cathode feed electrolysis cell stack capable of generating 3600 psia oxygen at a relevant scale for future exploration missions. This innovation is relevant to NASA's need for compact, quiet, efficient, and long-lived sources of pressurized oxygen for atmosphere revitalization (AR) and EVA oxygen storage recharge. Present AR equipment aboard International Space Station (ISS) consists of power-intensive, noisy compressors that have service lives less than 2 years. Proton's proposed electrolyzer stack will eliminate the need for these compressors, by developing a cell stack that can produce 3600 psia oxygen via electrochemical compression. This innovation results in a quiet, efficient solid state device with no internal moving parts to service or fail. More »

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