Cold and ultracold atoms have the potential to dramatically enhance NASA's capabilities in numerous areas. Examples include (1) inertial sensing: compared to their light-based counterparts (e.g. fiber-optic and ring-laser gyros), ultracold-atom gyroscopes offer a phenomenal eleven orders of magnitude greater sensitivity to rotation, for equal geometries and particle fluxes. Similar improvements in accelerometry and gravimetry are also possible; (2) timekeeping: freezing the motion of atoms significantly improves accuracy, so much so that the next generation of state-of-the-art atomic clocks (with inaccuracies approaching 1 part in 10^-18) will rely on ultracold trapped atoms; and (3) magnetometry: cold and ultracold atoms offer greater sensitivities for magnetic-field sensing compared to SQUIDs and other technologies.
Non-NASA commercial applications include quantum emulation, where trapped, ultracold atoms form a pristine, defect-free system that is ideal for studying condensed matter systems and simulating multibody quantum systems; implementation of quantum computers and quantum information algorithms; and atomtronics, where the precise control of ultracold atoms allows them to be engineered into useful devices that rely on the flow of coherent particles (as opposed to incoherent particles, as is the case in electricity).
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