Advanced commercial space exploration missions requiring catalytic post-processing sub-systems for both water and air can benefit from this technology. Regardless of whether a physical/chemical or a biological water processor is used for ALS applications, a reliable catalytic oxidation post-processor is likely to be necessary and desirable to produce the high-quality effluent necessary. A monolithic configuration for the catalysts is projected to be the most attractive for NASA applications.
The proposed technology has extensive commercial CleanTech applications in the chemical processing industries. ELS has ongoing relationships and active cooperative agreements with several key industrial process technology suppliers, who have identified strategic applications in several Industries of the Future, including A) Conversion of Natural Gas-to-Liquid Fuels & Chemical Feedstocks, B) Renewable Biobased Chemicals & Biofuels Production and C) Clean Manufacturing Technology for Polymer Production. Conservative estimates are in excess of $2B addressable market for this NASA-sponsored technology.
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