Solar simulation of advanced 4, 5 and 6 junction cells will benefit all NASA missions, particularly high power missions such as solar electric propulsion (SEP). Solar simulation of advanced cells will enable industry standard practices on near-future solar cells. Additional applications include: - Advanced solar cells not currently available, including SBT6J, IMM with greater than 6 junctions and cells with quantum dots - Low intensity, low temperature (LILT) applications - LED-based large area pulsed solar simulation (LAPSS) - Class A AM0 spectral simulation using many more different LED wavelengths - A true AM0 simulator via LED augmentation of lamp-based sources
All of the potential NASA commercial applications also apply to non-NASA entities, including other government agencies, solar cell manufacturers, aerospace prime contractors, aerospace subcontractors and research institutions. Some of these applications include: - 4" or 6" round illumination area LED-based solar simulators for measuring a single cell, or wafer - 2" or 3" round illumination area LED-based solar simulator for measuring test cells and early research efforts into advanced photovoltaics - Custom testing of advanced cells, including sensitivity studies to selectively current-starved junction testing, selectively current-flooded junction testing, reemission/ reabsorption of photons by neighboring junctions and many other tests as researchers see opportunity. - AC modulation of LEDs enables standard AC modulation technique, such as noise reduction through AC modulation, cell capacitance measurements and non-contact I/V measurement of cells before frontside ohmic contacts are added. - Terrestrial technologies, up to 6 junctions, could greatly benefit from the spectral control and flexibility of this instrument. All benefits listed above could apply to terrestrial cells as well, with the greatest benefit for multijunction cells. - Some past partners in other projects have already expressed interest in investing in a potential Phase II-E for commercialization and scale-up into the market.
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