Both the high-Isp ion propulsion and the low-cost radiation tolerant electronics needed for the lunar mission are crucial for future deep space missions. Exploring our solar system with low-cost robotic/scout vehicles as precursors for human missions or science missions will benefit from these technologies. Busek's RF ion thruster (BRFIT) enables small satellites to fly beyond earth orbit and can be used in close proximity operations applications. Missions for the moon, inner planets and asteroids are therefore made possible. Additionally the BRFIT is ideal for drag make up applications for earth observation (EO) missions from low flying platforms, down to altitudes of ~200km. Altitude reduction is essential for high resolution EO from small, low-cost satellites that are by definition unsuitable for large optical or RF apertures and thus lower altitude is the only option for higher image resolution. Potential post applications of the Morehead State University multi-band communications systems include productization and marketing this system to the small satellite community for a variety of applications in LEO and beyond. The capabilities and flexibility of this system (software controlled frequency agility and controllable, variable power output combined with a variety of modulation schemes) combined with an extremely low price point will make the system attractive to small satellite developers.
Non-NASA customers include commercial human exploration and presence in space, commercial asteroid missions and DOD and commercial EO missions. For example, in communication with Planetary Resources, they are interested in the propulsion system in their Arkyd Series 200 - Interceptor for asteroid mining. NRO has indicated interest in this propulsion technology for low earth orbit spacecraft to make up for atmospheric drag. We have letters of support from both of these two entities based on a full Lunar Cube proposal to an earlier Edison BAA. The Morehead State University C&DH system will also be ultimately produced for both the small satellite and UAV and UAS markets. The small size, low power consumption and significant processing capabilities combined with low cost and expandability will make this C&DH system competitive in these markets.
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