As this innovative concept is directly related to the air transportation system, the most appropriate application of the START concept and prototype will be further research on ATM operational improvements. Mosaic ATM has provided significant support on numerous projects in the successful transfer of NASA research into the operational inventory of the FAA. Our approach to this technology transfer is to provide support for the transfer process, but to remain within the direction of NASA and the FAA at all times. Using this approach, the research is properly recognized as NASA technology, and the FAA receives in-depth support from an organization that already knows the details of the technology.
The START concept can provide valuable information for airlines and other flight operators about the potential constraints and congestion that flights will experience en route in the NAS. The ability of START to recommend strategic reroutes can be used by flight operators to know which of their flights may be subject to a reroute advisory. Flight operators can then use this information to plan for potential reroutes and their effect on their overall network of flight operations. Additional areas of potential use of the START concept include its use by dispatchers when planning flight plans. Advance notice of convective weather, and its expected impact on arrival routes to ZMA, can aid dispatchers in planning what routes to file, which alternative arrival airports to utilize, and how much fuel to load on the aircraft.
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