The primary NASA applications include developing MIDAS systems for interplanetary cubesat missions to planets with atmospheres, and larger-scale MIDAS systems for traditional-sized robotic and manned spacecraft enhancing or enabling missions to Mars, Venus, and the Outer gas giants and their moons. Altius and MSNW will work with the NASA COTR to identify members of the interplanetary cubesat community to market this technology to. Altius and MSNW will also work with NASA's Office of the Chief Technologist and the to find opportunities for cubesat flight demonstration of the MIDAS system post Phase II, and also for research and flight demonstration of MIDAS variants optimized for radiation shielding. Altius and MSNW will reach out to NASA and aerospace contractors involved in traditional deep-space missions to find opportunities to partner on future space science missions. Lastly, Altius and MSNW will work with the NASA Advanced Exploration System Division to brief them on the technology, and investigate ways to infuse scaled-up versions of MIDAS technology into future manned exploration missions.
The primary Commercial applications Altius has identified include radiation shielding for all-electric DoD and Commercial GEO spacecraft that have to transit the Van Allen belts en route to GEO, systems for aerobraking GTO stages to LEO prior to LEO recovery, and reusable space tugs/propellant tankers. In order to address the first market, which has real near-term demand, Altius and MSNW will identify ways to fund the radiation shielding work needed to use MIDAS for that application, and will coordinate with DoD and commercial comsat companies to identify ways to adapt this technology to their specific mission needs. For the second market, Altius will communicate with commercial launch companies such as SpaceX and ULA to market the technology, and seek opportunities for experimental flight demonstration on one of their upper stages.
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