Besides stator coils, magnesium diboride superconductors can benefit NASA applications for many applications where light weight power components that are required for generators, motors, transformers, inductors, power conditioning equipment and ADR coils. Other magnet applications that magnesium diboride wires can be considered for are magnetic bearings, actuators, MHD magnets, propulsion engines, magnetic shielding in space, and magnetic launch devices.
Manufacturers of large electrical systems desire to increase the efficiency, and decrease the size of their systems in order to reduce costs. Presently major manufacturers of MRIs, transformers, motors, generators, and fault current limiters are pursuing MgB2 superconductor wires to achieve these objectives. More recently there has been a growing global market for a new class of large machines requiring high power density (from 4 to 20 MW) including wind and wave turbine generators, aircraft turbo-generators, offshore oil platform motors, marine propulsion and generation systems and portable emergency power systems.
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