Scandate cathodes would improve performance and life on all NASA vacuum linear beam amplifiers and sources. They would allow higher data rates, higher frequencies and more power. They could be used in ion thrusters for discharge and neutralization, both for near-earth and long-range space flights. Their small size and high loading make them essential in terahertz amplifiers and sources. NASA is interested in terahertz for upper atmosphere studies, as well as communications.
There is a shortage of bandwidth and number of channels in commercial wireless networks. Scandate cathodes address this by raising the frequency and power of traveling wave tubes. This is particularly true of geocentric communications satellites. Also, their longer life will reduce maintenance costs on these systems. Eventually, scandate cathodes will be used in earth-based communications networks, where the same issues arise, although not as acutely. Scandate cathodes are also needed in micro-focus x-ray guns and in UV electron-beam-pumped lasers.
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