The proposed technology has a strong potential for use by NASA as Flight Hardware for deployment in support of the International Space Station and for future long-duration missions such as a Mars transit, Mars base, or a permanently manned Lunar outpost where return to Earth for emergency medical care is not an option. The current medical programs utilized on the ISS are extensive and have been under development for decades. To date, the medical supplies carried on the ISS and Shuttle have been adequate to handle the relatively minor problems that have occurred, but as NASA looks to the future of manned space flight, dramatic increases in mission duration are apparent. Longer duration space flights increase the potential for a medical emergency that current systems are unable to treat. One shortcoming in particular, is the lack of a medical aspirator onboard any current space platform for accommodating medical procedures that require aspiration to remove saliva and blood during dental procedures; blood and loose tissue during surgery; or vomit, mucous, and saliva during airway management. In these situations, a microgravity and hypogravity compatible aspirator capable of providing medical suction and containment of extracted fluids and debris will enhance NASA mission capabilities and provide a needed safety margin in ALS activities.
The proposed advancement in medical suction technology will provide military and municipal emergency response teams the ability to provide portable self-contained medical suction without concern for local terrain, patient position, or motion. This versatility will enhance the attractiveness of this technology and meet the growing concern for the safety of emergency personnel. The private sector will also utilize the technology in niche applications such as at sea and in flight. Presently, medical suction units rely on gravity and buoyant force to seal collection vessels once they become full. The seal is required to prevent contaminated material; blood, vomit, mucous, etc., from entering the pump. A seal failure caused by an overturned collection vessel results in tedious clean-up procedures in the best case and disease transmission in the worst case. The proposed innovation enables emergency response teams to provide medical suction in any orientation and physical environment.
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