The design and development of noise prediction, measurement, and control methods for commercial aircraft is a major focus of NASA's Fundamental Aeronautics Program in Aeroacoustics. NASA technical challenge-Quiet Low-Speed Performance under the Fixed Wing Project is to reduce perceived community noise by 71 dB with minimal impact on vehicle weight and performance. As a result, the prospect of improved phased microphone array technology due to the application of the proposed synthetic array methods will be of interest to a broad spectrum of experimental aeroacoustics researchers at NASA. Our proposed project deals with the development of a 'synthetic phased array' technology which focuses on improving the understanding of noise from aircraft landing gear, however, the improved beamforming methods and array designs made possible by the proposed technique can be applied to any experimental problem for which phased microphone arrays are suitable. Thus, the range of noise source identification applications extends from landing gear to supersonic jets, rocket nozzles, flaps and slats, wake vortices, and wind turbines.
Beyond NASA's interests, the Department of Defense and airplane prime contractors also have a strong interest in technologies that lead to quieter aircraft. The Navy, in particular, has a strong interest in finding ways to reduce aircraft noise related to carrier operations. ITAC will work to market the proposed synthetic phased array technology to all the various industries which make use of phased microphone arrays. These include, aircraft engine manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, the automotive industry, the wind power industry, and high-speed rail companies, just to name a few.
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