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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

Cloud-Based Analytics, Store and Query System (CASQUE) for Data-Intensive Scientific Processing

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Cloud-Based Analytics, Store and Query System (CASQUE) for Data-Intensive Scientific Processing
While it has become apparent that we can and will collect data at unprecedented rates thanks to a wide range of high-resolution high-throughput sensors, it has also become apparent that we do not have the algorithms and tools to satisfactorily analyze Big Data. Cloud computing as an infrastructure (e.g., Amazon Web Services), as a platform (e.g., Google Apps), and as a software ecosystem (e.g., Hadoop/MapReduce and NoSQL tools) offers a promising compute-and-store environment (complementary to supercomputing) to handle the massive amount of data created by NASA missions. In this proposal, we will develop a Cloud-based open architecture Analytics, Store and QUEry (CASQUE) system for data-intensive scientific computing for NASA missions. The architecture and workflow will be tailored for specific NASA missions and will be thoroughly tested in large-scale relevant cloud environments. More »

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