NASA SSC is the first anticipated tech transfer user. NASA has several programs that can serve as Phase III sponsors and end-users. One such program is the Wildfire Research and Applications Partnership (WRAP) through which NASA assists US Forest Service (USFS) with UAV-sensor based imagery and decision support. Our tool can both contribute (data and analysis) to, as well as benefit from, WRAP data. NASA's Global Flood and Landslide Monitoring / Prediction System is a WRAP-like program which provides satellite data and imagery to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) globally to help with flood and landslide related disasters. NASA ARC in Silicon Valley has established a Disaster Resiliency Center (DRC). Pre-disaster, the DRC is an Advanced Practices and Research Institute (APRI). During a disaster, the DRC becomes a Disaster Response & Recovery Center (DR&RC). APRI is also a tech transition target for this work
Local emergency response centers (EOCs) are the first anticipated Non-NASA customers. The Department of Defense (DoD) has many programs, especially those involving agencies like the Marines and the Coast Guard, that are in the disaster response and disaster recovery area. For man-made disasters, such as terrorist attacks, both the DoD and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have candidate programs that are targets for tech transition. Intelligence agencies like the CIA are also interested in unstructured data analytics, especially those involving the newer social media data feeds. In the private sector, emergency departments in hospitals are an example of early adopters; hospitals are interested in predictive analytics that will enable them to plan for upcoming patient admissions following a disaster.
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