The proposed FM design and development tool suite is potentially a highly valued solution in fault management (FM) for detecting, identifying, isolating, and mitigating faults, especially degradation fault modes that lead to failure. The technology developed under this program will provide substantial benefits for fault mitigation of complex systems having autonomic recovery requirements. NASA has a need for new and innovative fault management (FM) approaches, architectures, and tools to improve the FM design, development, verification & validation, and operation processes. For this reason NASA is investigating methodologies with the main objectives of increasing reliability of FM systems and reducing costs. This technology could be implemented in several of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) programs as well as those from, for example, Ames Research Center (ARC) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Key applications include space vehicles for space missions, commercial and military aircraft.
Main customers for the FFP signature modeling and processing will be firms such as The Boeing Company, UTC Aerospace, and Northrop Grumman, among others that will be willing to employ FM. Ridgetop received a letter of support from Northrop Grumman expressing interest in this technology and will provide subject-matter expertise and consulting services during the phase 1 of this SBIR. If phase 2 is awarded, Northrop Grumman is interested in validating and evaluating this technology in their laboratories and implementing it into some of their programs.
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