The material developed in the Phase II effort could have a variety of applications within NASA. Thin low density aerogel material could potentially be used to insulate cryotanks and cryogen transfer pipelines for ground processing, satellite thermal management, and cryogen storage for space applications. Aspen has been in discussions with United Launch Alliance, NASA Kennedy Space Center and Yetispace to test the MLAI system on real-world tanks such as VATA or the CRYogenics Orbital TEstbed (CRYOTE). This real-world testing will be used to advance the TRL level of the insulation system from 5 (at the end of Phase II) to 6 - 7. Development and optimization of Aspen's new process of making thin and low density aerogels will greatly assist NASA to improve its insulation for cryogenic fuel tanks, cryogenic fuel transfer lines, spacesuit and internal insulation on future generations of re-usable launch vehicles.
The new insulation system from this program will also have far reaching benefits for both military and commercial applications. The potential for the use of this material exists for durable and reliable insulation systems for any cryogenic, high vacuum or thin, flexible applications including appliances, airliner fuselage, LNG fuel storage tanks and transfer lines, and apparel.
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