We propose to develop an efficient, tunable Q-switched SSL operating at a wavelength of 1651 nm with pulse energy >1 mJ at 2000 Hz repetition rate with in-band laser diode pumping. We will leverage initial work carried out during Phase I of this program to pursue two approaches: (i) a tunable injection-seeded Q-switched SSL, and (ii) a regenerative power amplifier. In Phase I, we investigated a variety of gallium garnet gain media — including comprehensive characterization of absorption and fluorescence spectra — and we have identified the most promising prospective crystals for 1651 nm emission. We have also demonstrated sufficient tunability to enable differential path LIDAR techniques for the detection of methane.
More »There are a number of potential non-NASA commercial applications that will benefit from the development of high energy pulsed Er-doped SSLs. Specific applications include remote gas sensing, particularly for the detection of methane and other hydrocarbon gases critical to the energy industry. Other applications include commercial lidar systems; range-finding and ladar applications; medical systems for areas such as dermatology, nerve stimulation, and dentistry; and materials processing.
The development of the high-pulse-energy Er-doped solid state laser (SSL) proposed in this program will be crucial for LIDAR instruments intended for the measurement of methane in the Earth's atmosphere. This laser technology to be developed will also potentially provide new capabilities for measurements of other atmospheric constituents and the surface topography of the Earth and other planetary bodies anticipated for numerous NASA mission programs. This laser will serve as an ideal source for LIDAR systems in the wavelength range near 1.65 um and for active remote sensing optical instruments in general.
Organizations Performing Work | Role | Type | Location |
Princeton Lightwave, Inc. | Lead Organization | Industry | Cranbury, New Jersey |
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) | Supporting Organization | NASA Center | Greenbelt, Maryland |