NASA has interest and ongoing research in many areas where the AquaTree can provide direct support and improve NASA's research results. The AquaTree provides measurements at any location, similar to those provided by the MOBY system that is located at a fixed position off the coast of Hawaii. Areas of NASA interest include: ocean ecology, ocean color, sediment, dissolved chemicals, and marine microorganisms (phytoplankton) affect the colors of sunlight reflected off the ocean, global distribution of phytoplankton, carbon sequestration in oceans, role of the oceans in climate change. In response to the NRC Decadal Survey, NASA is developing multiple missions that the AquaTree can support, including validation to MODIS, MERIS, future missions such as HyspIRI, Ocean Radiometer for Carbon Assessment (ORCA), the Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE). This system will also support International NASA collaborations such as JAXA Global Change Observation Mission 1st - Water (GCOM-W1), India's OceanSAT2, Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) system, etc. We wish to point out that both MODIS and MERIS are now operating beyond their design time, and it is not clear if replacement instruments will be funded and available when these older sensors begin to lapse. Hence local point measurements supported by airborne (manned and unmanned platforms) sensors may become of increasing importance.
Oceans have a major impact on human survival, affecting economies, food supplies, shipping lines, global warming and carbon sequestration, natural resources, climate regulation, wild life and habitats, recreation, and more. The majority of the human population lives within short distance from coastal zones. The United Nations is involved in ocean related policy and environmental laws. As such, almost every nation on earth has its own research institutions with the goals of keeping healthy oceans and understanding how to use the resources to benefit humankind yet maintain a healthy balance and avoid deterioration, contamination, over harvesting, spreading of diseases and toxic algae, beach pollution, control fishery and sea farming, etc. Numerous US government agencies as well as countless educational institutions are involved in research, monitoring, reporting, establishing knowledge and data bases, and regulations. The proposed AquaTree would be a valuable addition for providing on-site ground truth for all such research by NASA, NOAA, US Navy, USGS, etc. Therefore, the applications of OKSI's research, services, and products, have worldwide markets.
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