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Center Innovation Fund: JSC CIF

Smart COPVs - Continued Successful Development of JSC IR&D Acoustic Emissions (AE) SHM

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Project Image   “Smart COPVs” - Continued Successful Development of JSC IR&D Acoustic Emissions (AE) SHM
Developed and applied promising quantitative pass/fail criteria to COPVs using acoustic emission (AE) and developed automated data analysis software. This lays the foundation for continued development of an automated structural health monitoring (SHM) system by the NASA NDE Working Group (NNWG) or other funding organizations. Develop and apply promising quantitative pass/fail criteria to CPV using acoustic emission (AE) and lay the foundation for continued development of an automated structural health monitoring (SHM) . CPV will be tested (current funding supports two) and several additional strand tests (a portion of 380 remaining specimens provided by NNWG) are needed to provide a statistical basis to promising test results. The project: An experienced NMSG Grad student is performing modal waveform frequency analysis to identify progressive damage and by COTs and custom software (e.g., WSTF/GRC Acoustic Emission Analysis Applet and WSTF FRAT). Utilizes new AE equipment and labor from separately funded NASA interns for more productivity. FY13 Hardware and Software Progress Identified NI and AE vendor components for a proof of concept system Proof of concept hardware has been procured and is currently capable of viewing AE data on 8 individual channels A combination of a Digital Wave FM-1 signal conditioner and B-1025 AE sensors are used in conjunction with a NI PXI system to collect data NI LabView is used to view AE data but is currently not capable of recording multiple waveforms Development of program capable of recording all waveforms is currently under development Software is still not capable of recording parametric data but hardware is now in the PXI system to do so FY13 Acoustic Emission Analysis Applet Software Work Completed for Smart COPV (excluding bug fixes): Added Partial Energies vs. Time plot (right-click option on Partial Power Fractionsvs. Time plot) Added Bar Graph Analysis window (right-click option on Partial Power Fractions vs.Time plot) Added run-time menu item in AE Stats vs. Event Time Plots right-click menu window to spawn dialog for entering cursor bounds over which to perform curve fit. (Also added this menu item in the enlarged AE stats vs. Event Time plot.) Added ability to translate PAC/Mistras Group Files to NDF format including condensed NDF Format Added Preliminary Event Filtering Module to front panel of AEAA Added Breakpoint Analysis Tool (BRAT) Fine Tuning Window (When pressure profile data file is available). Added indicators for FRAT Breakpoint Tuning Parameters onto MAIN front panel that have been set in the Fine Tuning Window. (Current version of FRAT does not detect all of the breakpoints in my COPV multipart data set.) More »

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