The commercial potential of the technology from a successful Phase II development effort extends well beyond the NASA Polymer matrix composites are used in automobile and ships and many other consumer and industrial products. Single-sided CT TD-THz 3D imaging applications can include inspection of automobile dashboards, imaging inspection for delamination of printed circuit boards, inspection of pipe insulation, as well as with manufactured parts such as pure plastic and paper products. Single-sided CT TD-THz imaging benefits homeland security applications under development such as personnel and luggage inspection for concealed weapons and explosives (in luggage, shoes, etc.). single-sided CT TD-THz imaging and spectroscopy can inspect items in shipment such as mail, cardboards packages, and plastic and wood crates.
The capabilities provided by a single-sided CT TD-THz NDE imager will be valuable in characterizing new spacecraft materials in complex 3-dimensional forms. Material examples include SOFI and other foam materials, TUFI and other thermal protection systems (TPS), Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) and adhesive systems, and other non-conductive polymer composite structures. Example NDE applications where these materials are used include inspection of soft shell fan containment, thermal protection systems, composite overwrap pressure vessels (COPV), and inflatable orbital habitats. The technique is fully applicable to single-sided imaging and can locate and quantify internal structure, regions of damage, porosity, cracking, delaminations, intrusion, and other sub-surface properties.
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