After a successful Phase II project, Innovative Imaging and Research will be in a position to provide this energy-efficient smart light technology to NASA and other Federal government agencies concerned with providing quality lighting while lowering energy consumption. United States Executive Order 13423, issued in January 2007, mandates that federal buildings reduce their energy use by 3 percent per year, so that they attain a 30 percent reduction in energy use by the year 2015. To enter this market, we will work to establish business relationships with commercial entities, such as Cisco Systems, that provide energy management solutions to Federal government customers. We also plan to approach NASA field office Center Operations offices directly to offer near-term consultation services to identify lighting solutions with the greatest energy saving potential. In general these will be NASA office and laboratory environments with partial solar illumination, that take advantage of the daylight harvesting feature of our smart light concept, and locations within NASA facilities that are intermittently populated such as stairwells and bathrooms, that take advantage of the occupancy sensing technology within our smart light concept. We also anticipate large payoff for NASA adopting this technology in areas that would benefit from security monitoring and fire protection monitoring, additional features that our smart light system will provide.
After a successful Phase II project, Innovative Imaging and Research will be in a position to provide this energy-efficient smart light technology to non-NASA commercial entities that are interested with providing quality lighting while lowering energy consumption. We believe our technology will have significant appeal within the education sector. Throughout the country more and more school districts are incorporating "green school" concepts. The Green Schools Initiative incorporates a 4-pillared framework that includes energy efficiency and using recourses sustainably. We plan to engage with these programs and initiatives to showcase our unique technology, which is highly applicable to educational environments. Our smart light technology not only reduces the overall amount of energy consumed through efficient light harvesting-producing light only when and where it is needed, but is also capable of tailoring the spectrum of the light it produces to affect natural biorhythms, which has been shown to improve academic attention. Other potential markets include libraries, museums and other public places that would benefit from security monitoring and fire protection monitoring, additional features that our smart light system will provide. We believe that this technology will initially be too expensive for general household consumers, but as markets expand and LED and other component prices continue to decrease, this technology can be marketed to the general public.
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