The software system resulting from this program can be applied to DoD programs involving predicting and understanding fluid dynamic environments, designing flight hardware, test planning and analyzing test data. Such an overall system can be applied to the design and development of missiles for defensive interceptor systems which involve blast dynamics, impact and fragmentation. This system can be applied in the analysis of foreign missile concepts and threats. Example commercial industries and applications are: Analysis of nuclear blast accidents from power plants: Automobile manufacturers for design of car and truck engines; Bio-Medical applications such as blood flow in elastic arteries, hearts, and air flow in lungs: Computer simulation of blast waves for use in anti-terrorists investigations: Housing design for protection from hurricanes, and tornados: Heating and air conditioning manufacturers for home units, large office complexes and automobile air conditioning systems: Solar collector systems for alternative energy development.
Next generation vehicles are being designed at NASA for space travel including launch configurations and modules for entry into planetary atmospheres at extreme velocities. Analysis and design of propulsion systems will be a major requirement for this new generation aerospace flight hardware. High fidelity CFD software is needed for design of these new systems across speed ranges from subsonic to supersonic to hypersonic. Our proposed program addresses this time-critical technology development item by providing a new meshing code to address high Reynolds number viscous flow fields. Existing unstructured tetrahedral-based mesh generators cannot provide the high aspect ratio meshed needed for solvers such as our FEFLO and NASA's FUN3D. The software to be provided here is a next generation computation capability for design and analysis of these new space vehicles.
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