Electric propulsion is important to other government agencies including the Air Force and the Navy. Air Force electric propulsion codes will benefit from additional/advanced plasmasurface interaction models available in our tools. The multi-billion dollar military and commercial satellite industries design and develop electric thrusters similar to the one used at NASA for the purposes of satellite station keeping and orbit changing maneuvers in space. These industries would benefit from the user-friendly computational tools, which include more realistic physics models, to study the ion thruster plasma. The innovations proposed in this work will also benefit the ion source and plasma processing industries.
The off-the-shelf ion thruster discharge chamber computational tools should reduce the time spent by NASA employees developing these tools for electric propulsion systems such as the 40-cm diameter NEXT thruster. The easy-to-use and user-friendly graphical user interface plasma softwares from Tech-X are viable high performance modeling tools for NASA to study the current and future electric thruster concepts which will help their planning for future space missions. Also these tools can be applied to modeling Hall thrusters such as the HiVHAC thruster, which is currently being developed at NASA GRC. The fully electromagnetic capabilities in these codes make them an ideal tool for modeling cathodeless RF ionization schemes as well.
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