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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

Highly Efficient Closed-Loop CO2 Removal System for Deep-Space ECLSS

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

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TDA Research Inc.(TDA) in collaboration with University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez (UPRM is proposing to develop a highly efficient CO2 removal system based on UPRM proprietary strontium exchanged silico-alumino-phosphate (Sr-SAPO-34) sorbent for closed loop space craft cabin air re-vitalization during deep space missions. In the Phase I work, we successfully completed bench-scale proof-of-concept demonstrations, elevating the TRL to 3. In Phase II, we will further optimize the sorbent and scale-up its production using advanced manufacturing techniques such as continuous microwave synthesis. We will carry out multiple adsorption/desorption cycles to demonstrate the sorbent's cycle life (>500). We will develop a CFD model to optimize the cyclic operation of the sorbent system and carry out a detailed engineering assessment of the full-scale system. Finally, we will design and fabricate a sub-scale prototype to fully demonstrate the technology under simulated spacecraft cabin atmospheres (TRL-5); this unit will be sent to NASA for further testing and evaluation. More »

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