Aerotonomy, Incorporated, the Georgia Tech Research Institute, and the Boeing Company propose here to continue work towards the development of commercially viable enabling technologies for a Cruise Efficient, ESTOL-capable Transport Aircraft (CEETA). Results of the Phase I effort provide a broad, systems-based assessment of several innovative Combined Circulation Control (C3) techniques that represent a significant potential solution in the space of high lift technologies. Highlights of the proposed Phase II program will be: 1) Significant enhancement of the overall systems-based C3 impacts analysis by refining the weight, compressed air requirements, propulsion system, flight performance, environmental, cost, and reliability impacts analyses as well as conducting a meaningful examination of Figure of Merit weighting schemes. 2) Low speed wind tunnel tests of a 3D half-span, subscale CEETA with integrated C3 systems to generate detailed 3D aerodynamic data that include interaction effects among the various circulation control devices. 3) Execution of an experimental flight program using a subscale, mass-scaled CEETA testbed that enables direct performance comparisons between an aircraft equipped with C3-based high lift devices and an aircraft equipped with conventional high lift devices at the same wing loading, as well as evaluations of real-world issues associated with integrating C3 devices into a flight-ready vehicle.
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