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Technology Project Libraries

Libraries can help you unlock the hidden depths of NASA's technology projects.

TechPort is about more than searching, browsing, and reading. Projects often contain downloadable documents and links to additional information. Libraries can help you unlock the hidden depths of NASA’s technology projects.
Many technology project records in TechPort include a library of rich content, such as peer reviewed papers, research documentation, technical reports, New Technology Reports (NTRs), news stories, images, and even videos.
Project libraries provide the technology project with an opportunity to showcase some of their accomplishments and benefits, to go deeper into the technology, and provide the context necessary for viewers to understand the project. Technology developers can use this information to understand the project parameters, performance metrics, design, infusion prospects, and applications.

What’s in the library?

Publications, conference presentations, peer-reviewed papers, technical reports, or other documents that describe the technology in more detail.
Graphical representations of the technology or part of the technology being developed.
New Technology Reports, patents, news stories, or any other relevant external link associated with the project.
Video clips illustrating demonstrations of the technology, interviews, or prototype visualizations relevant to the technology.
Descriptive narratives of events and information relevant to the project such as success stories and infusion opportunities.
Collections of related data organized in a standardized format.

How to use the library

How can I browse the library?
The library can be accessed in the appropriately named “Project Library” section of a project page. Columns can be sorted by title or library item type by clicking the column header.
Using library items
If a library item can be downloaded, you will see a “Download” button next to the item. If a library item links to an external web page, you will see a “Go to Page” button instead.