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TechPort 101

TechPort showcases NASA's portfolio of active and completed technology projects.

What is TechPort

What is a “technology”?

NASA defines technology as “a solution that arises from applying the disciplines of engineering science to synthesize a device, process, or subsystem to enable a specific capability.”

TechPort specifically captures research and development (R&D) activities that fall under the categories of applied research and experimental development. Formal definitions of these R&D classifications can be found in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11.

Where does TechPort get all its data?

TechPort partners with each of NASA's technology development programs to obtain information about funded investments. In support of digital transformation initiatives, TechPort interfaces with many other information systems at NASA to efficiently capture and share data. These data are reviewed by technology managers supporting each program, and independently by our data quality analysis team. If you feel that something is missing, please contact us.

Who uses TechPort?

TechPort is used by a wide variety of technology developers, researchers, and managers to identify collaborators, build on prior work, analyze technology gaps, and share knowledge. Academia uses TechPort to identify and leverage prior research, collect data for use in experiments, and showcase grants funded by NASA. Industry and entrepreneurs use TechPort to find business partners with specific areas of expertise, identify opportunities to fill NASA technology gaps, and evaluate existing NASA technologies for further enhancements. TechPort also facilitates additional collaboration opportunities with other government agencies and international partners.

How can I get more information about a technology?

Each project in TechPort lists the names and contact details for the program and project managers, as well as the principal investigators and industry/academia partners that worked on the project. Many projects also provide a library with supplementary research documentation, technical reports, multimedia, and related data sets. Our team can also be contacted via email at hq-techport@mail.nasa.gov.

The TechPort Homepage

A. Navigation
Links to the technology projects, our strategy and taxonomy, the API, help articles, and more.
B. Search
Enter your keyword search or click Advanced Search for more options. We’ve included some sample searches below.
C. Project Updates
Featured Projects, Impact Stories, the most viewed and most recently released projects on TechPort, and a section containing the most recent Announcements and Solicitations.
D. Helpful Resources
Links to support articles, new features, and the how to share your feedback.
A view of the TechPort homepage which depicts four regions of the page, from top to bottom: A. Navigation, B. Search, C. Project Updates, and D. Helpful resources.

How to Search

TechPort's flagship capability is that it enables users to search NASA technologies across all project record fields including technology area, maturity, location, and keywords within the description to find technologies of interest.
Every TechPort page has a search field for a user to enter keywords to search NASA technologies. To perform a keyword search, simply type the search terms into the search field, and you will receive a list of technology projects relevant to those keywords.
Advanced Search may be a better option if you need to examine specific facets of a technology. The Advanced Search link is located just beneath the keyword search input. Advanced Search provides options to filter technologies across all of the available fields. Just click the toggle switch on the left side of that field name for which you want to narrow your search results.

Results and Reports

When you click Search, an analysis of your search results will appear above the search results. Click on More search result reports to see a set of reports for the projects you found.
A. Reports
An analysis of your search results will appear above the search results. Click on More search result reports to see a set of reports for the projects you found.
B. Search Results
In list view, search results show the name of the technology project, the program its associated with, the status of the project, and an excerpt of the project description. Clicking the + button will expand the description of the project, and clicking the name of the project will open the TechPort project page.
A view of the Search Results which depicts two regions of the page, from top to bottom: A. Reports and B. Search Results

Project Page

When you click Search, an analysis of your search results will appear above the search results. Click on More search result reports to see a set of reports for the projects you found.
A. Project Overview
This section of the project page includes the Project Title, and its Program, the status of the project, as well as the project description and the anticipated benefits.
B. Project Details and Partnerships
Here you'll find info on the Directorate, Program and NASA Center is responsible for this project, the various NASA and external partnerships contributing to the effort, and who to contact for more information about this technology.
C. Technology and Transitions
Information on the primary and secondary technology taxonomy areas this project is categorized by, the readiness level of the technology, both at the start of the project and the projected level when finished, as well as any transitions this project has made.
D. Project Library
Many technology project records in TechPort include a library of rich content, such as peer reviewed papers, research documentation, technical reports, New Technology Reports (NTRs), news stories, images, and even videos. The project library is where you can find these associated documents, images and files.
A view of the Project page which depicts four regions of the page, from top to bottom: A. Project Overview, B. Project Details and Partnerships, C. Technology and Transitions, and D. Project Library.