NASA defines technology as “a solution that arises from applying the disciplines of engineering science to synthesize a device, process, or subsystem to enable a specific capability.”
TechPort specifically captures research and development (R&D) activities that fall under the categories of applied research and experimental development. Formal definitions of these R&D classifications can be found in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11.
TechPort partners with each of NASA's technology development programs to obtain information about funded investments. In support of digital transformation initiatives, TechPort interfaces with many other information systems at NASA to efficiently capture and share data. These data are reviewed by technology managers supporting each program, and independently by our data quality analysis team. If you feel that something is missing, please contact us.
TechPort is used by a wide variety of technology developers, researchers, and managers to identify collaborators, build on prior work, analyze technology gaps, and share knowledge. Academia uses TechPort to identify and leverage prior research, collect data for use in experiments, and showcase grants funded by NASA. Industry and entrepreneurs use TechPort to find business partners with specific areas of expertise, identify opportunities to fill NASA technology gaps, and evaluate existing NASA technologies for further enhancements. TechPort also facilitates additional collaboration opportunities with other government agencies and international partners.
Each project in TechPort lists the names and contact details for the program and project managers, as well as the principal investigators and industry/academia partners that worked on the project. Many projects also provide a library with supplementary research documentation, technical reports, multimedia, and related data sets. Our team can also be contacted via email at