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What is TechPort?

TechPort showcases NASA’s portfolio of active and completed technology projects. Our team gathers technology investment information from across the Agency in order to facilitate opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, analyses of how the Agency is meeting mission needs, and data visualizations of technology drivers that enable key decisions.

We believe that NASA’s mission is served best when information flows freely. That’s why we designed a system that highlights the exciting, novel and crosscutting activities taking place at NASA. Whether it’s a concept in its early stage, a prototype, or a fully developed technology - it’s all here in TechPort. We invite you to come look around!

What is a “technology”?

NASA defines technology as “a solution that arises from applying the disciplines of engineering science to synthesize a device, process, or subsystem to enable a specific capability.”

TechPort specifically captures research and development (R&D) activities that fall under the categories of applied research and experimental development. Formal definitions of these R&D classifications can be found in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11.

Where does TechPort get all its data?

TechPort partners with each of NASA's technology development programs to obtain information about funded investments. In support of digital transformation initiatives, TechPort interfaces with many other information systems at NASA to efficiently capture and share data. These data are reviewed by technology managers supporting each program, and independently by our data quality analysis team. If you feel that something is missing, please contact us.

Who uses TechPort?

TechPort is used by a wide variety of technology developers, researchers, and managers to identify collaborators, build on prior work, analyze technology gaps, and share knowledge. Academia uses TechPort to identify and leverage prior research, collect data for use in experiments, and showcase grants funded by NASA. Industry and entrepreneurs use TechPort to find business partners with specific areas of expertise, identify opportunities to fill NASA technology gaps, and evaluate existing NASA technologies for further enhancements. TechPort also facilitates additional collaboration opportunities with other government agencies and international partners.

How can I get more information about a technology?

Each project in TechPort lists the names and contact details for the program and project managers, as well as the principal investigators and industry/academia partners that worked on the project. Many projects also provide a library with supplementary research documentation, technical reports, multimedia, and related data sets. Our team can also be contacted via email at

At a Glance
18,473 Projects on TechPort
20,000+ Searches in 2021
2,115 Projects completed in the last 12 months
1,400 Average number of new technologies added to TechPort each year
$1.2B Average NASA investment in these technologies each year
10,000+ Average monthly visits to TechPort by academia, industry, and the public

Meet the Team
The TechPort team is a unique group whose primary goal is technology communication. We are dedicated to finding innovative and engaging ways to document, highlight, visualize, and advocate for the amazing technology development work occurring at NASA. We’re developers, designers, architects, and engineers.
headshot of Alesyn Lowry

Alesyn Lowry

STMD SPI Director
headshot of Jonathan Bowie

Jonathan Bowie

STMD Deputy SPI Director
headshot of Ryan Miller

Ryan Miller

TechPort Architect
headshot of Edward Brede

Edward Brede

headshot of Dillon Gresham

Dillon Gresham

Senior Engineer
headshot of Paul Herzing

Paul Herzing

Lead Designer
headshot of Hristo Iankov

Hristo Iankov

Senior Engineer
headshot of Christine Lehman

Christine Lehman

Database Administrator
headshot of Thomas Scofield

Thomas Scofield

Quality Assurance Lead
Not pictured: Lauren Briese, Data Quality Analyst; Ellis Giles, Engineer; Daniel Owens, Senior Engineer; Britney Rushing, Engineer; Andrew Wagliardo, System Administrator