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T0075-S Exo-Atmosperic Aerobrake

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

T0075-S Exo-Atmosperic Aerobrake

Program start date is on hold until Space Act Agreement is signed.  Placeholder date of January 2014 is used as placeholder.

This study proposes a design study and supportive analysis to advance the concept of a practical drag--‐modulated Exo--‐brake. The Exo--‐brake is a low ballistic coefficient, very lightweight structure that is used to aero--‐capture a vehicle using deceleration forces generated in the upper atmosphere of a target planet. To date, very little experimentation on practical shapes has taken place in order to advance the overall concept. In the current approach, a particular configuration termed the Exo--‐brake will be contrasted with other shapes.

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