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What’s in the library?
Publications, conferenceDocument image presentations, peer-reviewed papers, technical reports, or other documents that describe the technology in more detail.
Document image
Graphical representations of theImages icon image technology or part of the technology being developed.
Images icon image
New Technology Reports, patents,Links image news stories, or any other relevant external link associated with the project.
Links image
Descriptive narratives of eventsStories image and information relevant to the project such as success stories and infusion opportunities.
Stories image
Video clips illustratingVideos image demonstrations of the technology, interviews, or prototype visualizations relevant to the technology.
Videos image
Project library screenshot
How can I browse the library?
For computer and tablet users, the library can be accessed in the column on the right side of a project page. For smartphone users, the library is below "Primary U.S. Locations and Key Partners". Click the "Show the complete project library" link.
Filtering the library
If a project library contains an extensive list of library items, you have the option to filter the library to only show a certain type of item. Simply select the item type to filter for in the "Show" drop-down, and then click "Apply Filter"
Using library items
If a library item can be downloaded, you will see a blue "Download" button next to the item. If a library item links to an external web page, you will see a "Go to Page" button instead.